Polyglot Gathering 2024

Tha an t-eadar-theangachadh Gàidhlig 53% iomlan. Faodar fiosrachadh às uire uile a lorg sa Bheurla agus .

Ceistean a chuirear gu tric

Will the Polyglot Gathering take place in 2024 and where?

This year we have prepared for you two events:

Both events are distinct and require separate registration. Registration and payment for one of these events does not equal registration for both.

Ciamar a chlàraicheas mi? Dè chosgas e?

Registration is open for the Polyglot Gathering Online, ticket prices are listed on the registration page.

Registration is open for the in-person, Polyglot Gathering in Prague, Czech Republic, ticket prices are listed on the page “How to participate”.

On the in-person Polyglot Gathering in the Czech Republic

Will my registration for the In-Person Polyglot Gathering be valid for Polyglot Gathering Online as well?

No, both events are distinct and require separate registration. Registration and payment for one of these events does not equal registration for both.

Are there any pre- and post-Gathering language crash courses?

The info will be available soon. Don’t forget to follow us on social media to keep up to date with all the news!

An d' fhuair sibh mo chlàradh/phàigheadh?

For the registration, you will get a confirmation email right away. If it does not arrive, please let us know. When you wire your fees it often takes a few days for the bank to process it. Either way, when your payment arrives we will inform you a few days afterwards.

Do I need a visa to go to the Czech Republic?

You can check here what the situation is depending on your citizenship and, if necessary, get your Schengen visa as soon as possible.

On the Polyglot Gathering Online

What platform will we use?

We’ll use our own virtual multilingual event platform called Retevent. For a better experience, we recommend using a computer with a cable Internet connection and headphones with a microphone. Smartphones sometimes have only limited support.

On the 27th of February, all registered participants will receive an e-mail with a link to the platform and login information. You do not need to install anything, you only need a web browser (using Chrome or Firefox is recommended).

Is the program suitable for my time zone?

We’re aiming to make this online event as global as possible, therefore we’re aiming to have a schedule suitable for different time zones.

All talks will be recorded and you'll be able to watch them later when you can, even after the event – the platform will stay available one month after the end of the Polyglot Gathering.

What do I get with my online ticket?

In addition to the official dates of Polyglot Gathering Online (from February 29 to March 3) during which live talks and multilingual chat rooms will be held, the online platform will stay available for one month after the event! There, you’ll have access to the recorded talks you missed.

Will my registration for Polyglot Gathering Online be valid for the In-Person Polyglot Gathering as well?

No, both events are distinct and require separate registration. Registration and payment for one of these events does not equal registration for both.

Are tickets for Polyglot Gathering Online refundable?

Tickets for Polyglot Gathering Online are not refundable.

Did you get my registration?

For the registration, you will get a confirmation email right away. If it does not arrive, check the spam bin as well. If it is not there either, please let us know.

On both events

An urrainn dhomh cur ris a' phrògram?

Yes, we are accepting suggestions for lectures and workshops (45-minute taster sessions). Lectures can be in any major language and some minor ones. Speakers should be motivated by the idea of sharing their passion with the polyglot community. Please fill in this form to submit your proposal for the Polyglot Gathering Online.

Chan eil ach aon chànan agam. Am faod mise pàirt a ghabhail?

Faodaidh! Ged as ann don fheadhainn a tha fìor dhèidheil air cànanan a tha an Cruinneachadh, chan eil riatanas foirmeil ann a thaobh cia mheud cànain a dh'fheumas a bhith agaibh. Ma bheir sibh sùil air prògram an-uiridh (no na bhidiothan bhon trup mu dheireadh) agus ma tha sibh a' smaoineachadh gun còrdadh tachartas mar seo ribh, tha fàilte oirbh pàirt a ghabhail. Tha ar com-pàirtichean a' bruidhinn eadar 1 is >30 cànanan, agus 6 mar chuibheas-meadhain.

Dè na cànanan a chleachdas sibh aig a' Chruinneachadh?

Tha pròifil aig gach com-pàirtiche ann an Cruinneachadh nan Iol-chainnteach le liosta de na cànanan a tha iad airson cleachdadh. Chan eil e às an àbhaist an cànan atharrachadh an teis-meadhan còmhraidh no nuair a thig cuideigin eile an sàs ann. Is iad na cànanan as trice a chleachdar Beurla, Spàinntis, Gearmailtis, Fraingis, Ruis agus Esperanto. Na gabhaibh iongnadh ma bhios daoine nur n-àrainn a tha a' bruidhinn cànan air nach cuala sibh sgeul roimhe. Tha a' chuid mhòr de na h-òraidean sa Bheurla, ach thathar a' cleachdadh chànanan eile cuideachd. Thathar an-còmhnaidh a' foillseachadh nan cànanan a chleachdar aig gach òraid sa prògram.

An e Co-labhairt nan Iol-chainneach eile a tha seo?

No, Polyglot Conference is a separate event organized by our friends Richard Simcott and Alex Rawlings which usually takes place in a different country every year and now online. Both events are trying to join polyglots and language enthusiasts and enable the polyglot community to get together and share our great passion for languages. We are very happy to receive participants who have been to Polyglot Conferences and would like to meet like-minded language lovers again.